
Lesson 3: Operation Types

There are various types of operations in defending, each with a varying degree of importance and fun.

Operation Types:
  1. Detag: This is the simplest form of operation. Defenders clean up a region that raiders have "tagged" (the NationStates equivalent of graffiti, which is the main operation of raiders) and restore the old World Factbook Entry and close raider embassies, effectively doing their best to return the region's appearance to the way it was before the raid. This is arguably the least fun operation in defending and it is typically only done if there is nothing else to do.
  2. Defence: A defence is when defenders stop active raiders who are currently trying to raid a region. This form of operation comes with two situations:
    • The defenders know where the raiders will raid and will move into the region before they do, just before it updates, in order to prevent them from possibly switching targets.
    • The defenders do not know where the raiders will raid, but see them staging (this looks like raiders endorsing one or several nations in a known raider staging point). At this point, the defenders will prepare to move into the same region that the raiders move into as fast as possible (this is known as chasing).
  3. Liberation: A liberation is when defenders coordinate to free a region which is currently being occupied by raider forces. This is typically done if the raid was unable to be defended against or was not spotted in time.
The following guides will explain in more detail on how to participate in each of these operations.

Next Lesson: Detagging

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