
Celine's Application

Main Nation Name: 

The Chinese Soviet

Current World Assembly nation: 

Panzer Vor 101

Are you known by any other names or aliases? If so, please list them here:

I went by the name Destiny some time ago and some people still refer to me as Destiny. I was also under the name "antichrist" in the Malice discord.

What is your main region? (if applicable):


What is your Discord username:


Do you have any previous NationStates military experience, whether it be raider or defender? If so, please expand upon it here:

I was previously a raider. I had a few relevant experiences in raider militaries. I was a Sergeant in The Black Hawks, held the rank of Commander in Fleet Command in Ijaka, and was an Assassin in Malice. 

TBH was where I had learned to point and trigger and was largely influential in my development as a raider. In Malice, I was there to push myself to the limits as a tagger, as I was limited by restrictions in TBH at the time. 

In Ijaka, I primarily oversaw recruitment, integration, and training of new joinees. I was involved in the planning of the yessssss operation and had ROed in the region England and did so for other smaller operations. I also saw to the development of scripts/bots with Jyezet.

How often are you available during the game's major update at 12 AM EST/EDT?:

As of today, I am able to come to major update every day this summer. My flexibility might wane during the Fall and Spring.

How often are you available during the game's minor update at 12 PM EST/EDT?:

I am available most minors. I may be working at that time, but I can come when I can make it. This may also change in the Fall and Spring. 

Do you play NationStates using a mobile device or a computer?:

Computer. But I can play on a mobile device as well.

Your application has been accepted. Welcome to Weisshaupt Fortress, recruit. Your first step as a new recruit should be to check out our training guides here. Second, you should follow the guide on creating switchers and create 5 of them, while ensuring that they are in Artificial Solar System. You will successfully complete your joining when you earn a vial of Darkspawn blood, which is earned by completing a defensive mission.

Vial earned in FREEDOM DOGS N DINOS.

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