This lesson will contain information on how to perform defences, which are the most important operation type of defending.
Ensure you have prepared switchers and have placed them in Artificial Solar System beforehand.
Situation 1 - The raider target is known:
This subsection will cover "chasing" which is arguably the most fun operation in defending. The Grey Wardens are known in gameplay for their skilled chasers. Chasing is known to be very difficult to learn and even more difficult to master. However, you will become better at it with time if you try.
Chasing Tag Raiders:
Chasing Occupation Raiders:
Chasing raiders who are likely to be occupying the region is a lot easier than chasing tag raiders, however it is also more important. The steps are generally the same as above, however, the switching will be a lot slower and less numerous and thus it will be easier to keep up.
Next Lesson: Liberations
Ensure you have prepared switchers and have placed them in Artificial Solar System beforehand.
Situation 1 - The raider target is known:
- Admit to the World Assembly on one of your switchers.
- Cross endorse with the other defenders. This means to endorse a nation and then endorse all nations endorsing it. The operation leader may give a nation to endorse. If they do not, cross endorse on the delegate of Artificial Solar System (the delegate of this region is known as the permacross).
- When the operation leader gives the order, move to the region which they link.
- If you become the delegate, ban and eject as many of the raider nations as possible. The nations to eject may be given by the operation leader.
- Resign from the World Assembly on your current switcher and admit to the World Assembly on your next switcher (switch).
This subsection will cover "chasing" which is arguably the most fun operation in defending. The Grey Wardens are known in gameplay for their skilled chasers. Chasing is known to be very difficult to learn and even more difficult to master. However, you will become better at it with time if you try.
Chasing Tag Raiders:
- Admit to the World Assembly on one of your switchers.
- Cross endorse on the Artificial Solar System delegate. This means to endorse the delegate and all nations endorsing it. However, you may find it easier to only endorse the delegate and the players who you know to be chasing with you (they will usually be the latest endorsers on the delegate) rather than everyone.
- Look at the world activity feed and dossier raider nations. You can do this by going to a raider nation page, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking the "Add to Dossier" button. Typically, raider nations are all endorsing one nation within a known raider jump point. Spotting raiders is something you will learn with time. As a new defender, an experienced defender may link the nations to dossier in Discord.
- Alternatively, you can choose to look at the activity of a known raider jump point and dossier the nations that admit to the World Assembly.
- Go to the reports page, set the "Show reports from last x hours" to a very low number, something like .009, then click on the URL and press Enter.
- Repeatedly refresh the page until the raiders move.
- Move to the same region that the raiders moved as fast as possible. Endorse the delegate as well if the delegate is not one that has been elected seconds ago.
- If you became the delegate, ban and eject as many of the raider nations as possible.
- If your nation updated (you can tell by looking at your nation page and seeing if your influence just changed), switch to your next nation. If you did not, move back to Artificial Solar System.
- Repeat.
Chasing Occupation Raiders:
Chasing raiders who are likely to be occupying the region is a lot easier than chasing tag raiders, however it is also more important. The steps are generally the same as above, however, the switching will be a lot slower and less numerous and thus it will be easier to keep up.
Next Lesson: Liberations